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Part 48 - MSHA Annual Refresher Training
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NOTE: MSHA requires 14 day advanced notice of any Part 48 Training, Please be registered 15 days prior to training date.

MSHA Part 48 Annual Refresher Training

Every Miner must receive a minimum of 8 hours of annual refresher training at least once every 12 months. This course is structured to meet the requirements of MSHA requirements for Part 48 above-ground mines and above-ground operations at underground mines.


This certification is also meets the requirements of Part 46 Mines for the following types of mines:
•     Shell dredging sand, gravel, surface stone, surface clay,
•     Colloidal phosphate, surface limestone, marble, granite, sandstone,
•     Slate, shale, traprock, kaolin, cement, feldspar, and lime mines only.

After successful completion of this course you will receive a signed MSHA Form 5000-23 training certificate by email from your instructor.

The MSSC comprehensive MSHA Part 48 annual refresher course is presented as a "Live Instructor Led Virtual Online Training Course for a period of "8 Contact Hours".   You will participate in live online discussion and interact with the instructor in real time in an online classroom.

Whether you are a miner or an independent contractor, there may be additional training that addresses issues of your specific operation.

This course offers specialized instruction that will help you do that as well as provide training for the more generic MSHA recommended topics.

In addition, it will help you accomplish your ultimate goal beyond MSHA compliance, that of course is to keep you safe in mine work areas.

        •     Mandatory Health and Safety Standards
        •     Transportation Controls and Communication Systems
        •     Powered Haulage (Mobile Equipment)
        •     Escape and Emergency Evacuation Plans; Firewarning and Firefighting
        •     Working in areas of "High Walls"
        •     Roof or Ground Control
        •     Basic First Aid
        •     Electrical Hazards
        •     Hazard Recognition
        •     Self-Contained Self-Rescue and Respiratory Devices
        •     Prevention of Accidents
        •     Explosives
        •     Health

MSSC PROGRAM RULES: The following rules we feel are simple to follow and designed to help in providing the best learning / training environment and intended to limit unnecessary distractions so all attendees may enjoy and benefit at the highest level.

1. CODE OF CONDUCT - MSSC has zero tolerance for vulgar language, offensive behaviors and/or gestures, harassment, intimidation, disruptive behavior or threats.

• Classes for MSHA Part 48 New Miner Training begin promptly at 7am to 4pm Pacific Time for 3 consecutive day as scheduled, with a 30 minute lunch
• Breaks – ~15mins during the morning and ~15mins during the afternoon.
• Anyone not in class by 7am or the designated class start time– Will NOT be permitted to enter class and will be asked to reschedule
• Anyone late coming back from break – Will not receive a 5000-23
• Anyone late coming back from lunch – Will not receive a 5000-23

3. PERSONAL / BUSINESS ELECTRONICS - Cellphones or other electronic devices are NOT permitted during class, but may be used during breaks and lunch.

4. OTHER - Please schedule personal / business calls, conference calls and web meetings, texting or other forms of messaging on your own time or during a typical work day. You need to devote your full attention to this course to best prepare you for the FINAL EXAM that you must pass as well as prepare you for working SAFELY on a Mine Site.

DISCLAIMER:     As previously stated above, all Part 48 New Miner Training sessions start at 7:00AM and end at 4:00PM PST (unless an alternate time is approved by MSSC). Please note your credit card will be charged before your class start date. MSSC can reschedule a training date up until 24 hours before the beginning of a session. Any cancellations must be done 24 hours before the scheduled training. No refunds will be offered for failure to reschedule or cancel within 24 hours of the training.

Inappropriate behavior during virtual training session is subject to removal with no refund. Should you have any questions regarding MSHA training online, please email or call 1-850-249-2545.

GROUP DISCOUNTS:     Groups of 20 attendees or more qualify for special discounts. Not only will your group benefit from reduced pricing, we will also work with you to arrange a private session. This option provides the training your team needs to work on a mine site, but also provides a positive team building opportunity. Our instructors will ensure your group is engaged throughout the training session.

For group bookings please call our MSSC MSHA Specialists at 1-850-249-2545, or email us at This call will allow us to work with you to customize the training course to your specific needs, as well as give us the opportunity to learn more about your training plans, mine site and training documentation to ensure that we can provide you with the best service possible.

Need More Information?    Contact us directly at 850-249-2545 to find additional information about this and other MSSC Training Programs.


The goal of this course is to provide the information necessary for you to learn the requirements of a safe workplace while meeting the requirements of the annual MSHA Part 46 refresher. Information is presented to help you recognize and avoid hazards you may be exposed to on a regular basis and those which occur unexpectedly. An overall understanding of all mining hazards is also presented.

Note: Although this course covers much of the information required by the regulations, many employers may find it to necessary to augment this online training with additional site-specific information and hands on training (such as reviewing site-specific health and safety risks and/or providing respirator fit testing).

30 CFR § 48.8 - Annual refresher training of miners; minimum courses of instruction; hours of instruction.

(a) Each miner shall receive a minimum of 8 hours of annual refresher training as prescribed in this section.

(b) The annual refresher training program for all miners shall include the following courses of instruction:

(1) Mandatory health and safety standards. The course shall include mandatory health and safety standard requirements which are related to the miner's tasks.
(2) Transportation controls and communication systems. The course shall include instruction on the procedures for riding on and in mine conveyances; the controls in effect for the transportation of miners and materials; and the use of the mine communication systems, warning signals, and directional signs.
(3) Barricading. The course shall include a review of the methods of barricading and locations of barricading materials, where applicable.
(4) Roof or ground control, ventilation, emergency evacuation and firefighting plans. The course shall include a review of roof or ground control plans in effect at the mine and the procedures for maintaining and controlling ventilation. In addition, for underground coal mines, except for miners who receive this training under 30 CFR 75.1504, the course shall include a review of the emergency evacuation and firefighting program of instruction in effect at the mine.
(5) First aid. The course shall include a review of first aid methods acceptable to MSHA.
(6) Electrical hazards. The course shall include recognition and avoidance of electrical hazards.
(7) Prevention of accidents. The course shall include a review of accidents and causes of accidents, and instruction in accident prevention in the work environment.
(8) Self-rescue and respiratory devices. The course shall include instruction and demonstration in the use, care, and maintenance of self-rescue and respiratory devices used at the mine. In addition, except for miners who receive this training under 30 CFR 75.1504, the training for self-contained self-rescue (SCSR) devices shall include:
(i) Hands-on training in the complete donning of all types of self-contained self-rescue devices used at the mine, which includes assuming a donning position, opening the device, activating the device, inserting the mouthpiece, and putting on the nose clip; and
(ii) Hands-on training in transferring between all applicable self-rescue devices.
(9) Explosives. The course shall include a review and instruction on the hazards related to explosives. The only exception to this course component is when there are no explosives used or stored on the mine property.
(10) Mine gases. The course shall include instruction in the detection and avoidance of hazards associated with mine gases.
(11) Health. The course shall include instruction on the purpose of taking dust, noise, and other health measurements and any health control plan in effect at the mine shall be explained. The health provisions of the Act and warning labels shall also be explained.
(12) Such other courses as may be required by the District Manager based on circumstances and conditions at the mine.

(c) Refresher training may include other health and safety subjects that are relevant to mining operations at the mine. Recommended subjects include, but are not limited to, information about the physical and health hazards of chemicals in the miner's work area, the protective measures a miner can take against these hazards, and the contents of the mine's HazCom program.

(d) All persons employed as shaft or slope construction workers on June 28, 2006 must receive annual refresher training within 12 months of June 2006.

(e) Where annual refresher training is conducted periodically, such sessions shall not be less than 30 minutes of actual instruction time and the miners shall be notified that the session is part of annual refresher training.

Refresher Training Required: Every 1 year(s).

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PRICE:  $175.       Only: $150.

  •      * Includes 15% Discount

  • 8 Hours Comprehensive Training
  • Instructor Led Virtual Class
  • Signed MSHA 5000-23
  • Accepted by: MSHA
  • MSSC Newsletter


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